Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shellfish, here we come!

So, our girls like peanut butter--a lot.

What?! Peanut butter?! They are only seven months old. Yes, I know. Believe me, I was a nervous wreck about it. I waited to let them try it when my husband was home, so that if I needed to give one a tracheotomy with a ball point pen and a kitchen knife, he would be around to dial 911, and watch the other one.

Friday we were in the pediatrician's office for a weight check. While we were there, I talked with her about food allergies. My husband has some food allergies, so I had been very cautious about introducing foods to our daughters. She said that emerging research suggests that children have a lower incidence of food allergies if they are exposed to highly allergic foods between the ages of six and eight months while being breastfed. She said that my breastmilk gives them antibodies to combat allergic reactions. She recommended throwing eggs, peanuts, strawberries and shellfish at them, as well as anything else that I've been so careful to avoid

Now, I have definitely not been in agreement with my pediatrician on several points. I quickly learned that, while she did breastfeed her own children, she doesn't know a whole lot about it, and often would give me information appropriate for a formula fed, not a breastfed baby. Fortunately, I have a lactation consultant, a great friend who is breastfeeding, Baby Center, and to support me in my endeavors to breastfeed our twins, and relied on those resources for breastfeeding related questions/concerns. On the whole food allergy front, though, I feel confident that she knows what she's talking about.

So, we took the plunge. Peanut butter and bananas were a hit. I'm still waiting a few days between introducing new foods. I'd like to keep track of what they've had, so that if some sort of reaction does occur, I can pinpoint the cause. Whew! One huge common food allergy averted. Now, on to shellfish!


Melissa Ann said...

I love how conflicting the newer information/information between peds is. Mine said I was free to try anything before a year except PB and Honey. Honey for the infant botulism and PB b/c "new research says that it's best to wait until after a year." I understand that new research is that... but sometimes I was pediatricians could all be on the same page.

Your babies are just getting cuter and cuter :)

Julia said...

It would be nice if they could all get on the same page, wouldn't it? I've contemplated switching peds a few times. Especially with some of the BF information she gives us. But--what she said does make sense. It was a relief that they don't seem to have any issues with peanuts :)

Julia said...

It would be nice if they could all get on the same page, wouldn't it? I've contemplated switching peds a few times. Especially with some of the BF information she gives us. But--what she said does make sense. It was a relief that they don't seem to have any issues with peanuts :)