Monday, October 18, 2010

Full Disclosure

We have been loving this beautiful fall weather! The girls and I make a point of getting outside every day. I think I had it in my head that once October hit, our days of being outside would be over. I know that's not really true in the St. Louis area, but I just didn't have my expectations set all that high. So, each day is like a bonus, and a huge blessing. Each day we can go to the park, take a walk, or even just play on a blanket outside is relished and appreciated, all while appreciating all that fall has to offer--colorful leaves, pumpkin, apples and parsnips (we gave them a try last night, and loved them!). Though we are well into October, and enjoying all that these warm temperatures have to offer, the cool nights remind us that winter is approaching, and soon we will have to dawn lots of layers, and our trips to the park will be few and far between. It also reminds us that the cold and flu season is fast approaching.

I wanted to take a cue from this mama (you have to look at the bottom of her post) to talk about that for a moment. Did you know that a baby's immune system is not fully functional until six months of age? Even with that being the case, preemie babies must be careful even beyond that time frame. A cold or the flu can be much more serious in a baby that was born early, and cause respiratory distress that can lead to a hospital stay. Our pediatrician is especially concerned about Brynne, because in addition to being a preemie, she was born with a heart defect. RSV is the big worry--we want to avoid that at all costs!

We must be mindful to keep her as healthy as we can, but we need your help. I write this, too, on behalf of several friends and family members we have who are getting ready to welcome little ones into the world, smack dab in the middle of cold and flu season. Needless to say, it has been on our minds a lot lately. So, here's my public service announcement. Please, please remember to wash or otherwise disinfect your hands before holding a baby--always! And, if you are sick, love that baby (and his/her parents) by staying away until you are better. If it's questionable, or even if you don't think it's contagious, call ahead of time, explain the situation, and let the parents make the call, so that everyone is comfortable--full disclosure is always best!

Enjoy these fleeting, warm fall days, and here's to a happy, healthy winter!

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