Monday, April 23, 2012

Hitch in Our Giddy-Up

With all the determination that Miss Brynne uses to keep her sunglasses on her face, even as they slip down her tiny little button nose...

...she and her sister used that same willfulness to fight naps all week long.

It's hard to be thankful when there's been such a big hitch in our giddy-up.


I have wonderful mama friends who listen, and offer their wisdom and experience to me as I try to figure this napping thing out (1219)---and who give me permission to change up the schedule a bit (1220).

I have a friend who listened to me sob over failed naps and poor parenting for over an hour (1221), and then called to check on me the next day (1222). And then she wrote this. (1223)

I have a husband who gave me an afternoon off, so that I could get a massage and a hair cut (and made dinner too!) (1224)

I have a patient friend who lets the girls and I come over, so that I can learn to sew (1225). I have two dresses for the girls that are half-done (1226)-------so excited!!

That same friend was so encouraging at church yesterday when my girls were melting down (1227).

I have a garden full of color! (1228)

Brad and I have a great community group family, that prays for us and encourages us (1229), and blesses us by letting us pray for them too (1230).

I have Brynne, who loves music so, so, so, so, so much! (1231)

I have Hadley, who determinedly mastered a new puzzle in one afternoon.(1232)

And---the girls went right down for their nap today, and slept for three hours (1234). So, there's that.

Thank you, Jesus!


Richelle Wright said...

can't imagine the craziness of parenting twins...

thankful, like you, for all those who come alongside and encourage us in those hard mama moments.

your girls sound like a delightful handful... and your garden photo is just lovely!


Holly Tumpkin said...

Sooo glad you have a boo hoo friend! I do too, still! Random breakdowns never end, but with Jesus and a boo hoo friend to cry with, we survive well. I remember watching my friend, in amazement, breastfeed twin girls, 18 years ago. I was in awe at her skill in the midst of craziness. Btw, she did not feel skilled in the least, I was just amazed. Those same two girls were at my house last night at a party, as they are now in my home town in college. Through all the madness of parenting twins, two amazing beautiful quality girls emerged. The same will be with yours!! Jesus makes up all the difference where we feel lacking. Promise.

Kerry said...

I'm glad they finally napped for you :)
We mumma's need our rest to get through the remainder of the day!

Mari said...

Hi Julia! I am stopping by from our Soli Deo Gloria small group :)
Glad you were able to have an afternoon off. Hope the rest of your week is a blessed one!

Joan Hall said...

Hi Julia:

This is Joan from the SDG small group. I want to say welcome and I look forward to getting to know you better.

How exciting to be the mother of twins!


Michele-Lyn said...

it really does take a village to raise a child does it? I can hear myself in some of those struggled, but how wonderful it is to have a support system. Ah... Love the break you got for some pampering.

I'm in the small group with SDG. It's nice to meet you.

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

I'm so excited for your sewing projects! And puzzles have opened a whole new world in our house...I just love it. :)

Hoping you find your new groove with a new schedule soon. Continued hugs to you, Julia!

Corinne Ritz said...

Yes! Thank you Jesus! What an amazing post this was! It made me breathless. I felt blessed as I read about all of your blessings. Especially about the wonderful community of friends you have surrounding you to buoy you up! I love that!