Monday, June 6, 2011

Everything's a Miracle

703. This beautiful post.

So a bit more on it, in case you don't want to click over. I started reading Momastery months ago after reading this hillarious post about her toddler's meltdown in Target. Since that time I've continued to read. Glennon has such a passion for women---women struggling with recovery, with divorce, with heartache, or just with motherhood in general. We, the readers of her blog, adopt these philosophies: We Can Do Hard Things (sound familiar?), Love Wins, and We Belong to Each Other.

Her blog, Momastery, came about, because there are so many parallels between mothering and being a monk. It's holy work, this mothering business--molding and shaping little people, working alongside God, teaching them to love.

One thing at a time. Pay attention. Listen while you work. Everything’s a miracle.

Monks work to live that out. Wouldn't we all be better mothers, better people, if we approached everything this way?

I love this last one. Everything is a miracle. That's what I celebrate here--thanks = miracles.

All is grace = Everything's a miracle

Counting the rest of my miracles today:

704. The girls' first trip to the zoo.

705. A visit from their masi and masa.

706. Swimming in the backyard.

707. Smelling asiatic lilies.

708. Hollyhocks.

709. Pollen-covered noses.

710. Drinking wine from Barossa Valley.

711. New art.

holy experience


B. said...

Thank you for highlighting this beautiful post Julia. It brought tears to my eyes.

Jen said...

So agree. All is grace. Everything is a miracle!
A new follower,

Corinne Ritz said...

I really needed this post today. Thanks for sharing it, and I'm glad I got on and read it.