Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Thanks

691. Lounging after dinner

692. Adventures in climbing.

693. Giggles over a head-butting game with Papa.

694. Wrestling with Papa.

695. Itchiness and spots going away.

696. Ellyn's reassuring, gentle spirit.

697. Rashell's encouragement and prayers for our family.

698. Surviving my first solo trip to the pediatrician.

699. Beautiful Sunday evening on the back deck with my love.

700. Good music.

701. Painted toes.

702. Red.

holy experience


Twinside Out said...

So glad for itchiness and spots going away!!

Ahhh, painted toes. Seems like such a luxury these days. Hmm...I think I just figured out what I'm going to do during afternoon naps!

Corinne Ritz said...

Remember what I used to say? Red is the color of Passion. I'm glad you're thankful for red. And especially on your toes!!! Your girls legs sticking out of those little rompers and dresses really make me want to sqeeze them.