Sunday, May 22, 2011

Moments Like These

Awhile back Multiples and More posed the question, "Does it get easier?"

I wanted to respond, I really did. Every time I think about those early days with two itty bitty infants I seriously get tears in my eyes.

It. Was. SO. Hard.

I was incredibly overwhelmed.

I fought tears every day as my husband walked out the door to go to work. He plays in a baseball league every spring/summer/fall--I prayed like no body's business for rain last season.

Being by myself with two infants was incredibly hard. I was outnumbered and felt completely and totally unqualified to be a mama.

I couldn't figure out how to get them down for naps consistently.
It seemed like they cried if I left them for even a second.
I felt like all I did was nurse them.

Hardest thing I've ever done!

I think it does get easier. Some would disagree, and say it's always hard, just a different kind of hard.

It definitely gets more fun!

There are moments like these:


All the stress, all the tears, all the "overwhelmedness".

Totally worth it!


B. said...

Thank you for your boys are 14 months and though it's tiring now, it is also a lot of fun. The first few months (1st year?) was brutal. I was afraid to be alone with the babies, and my husband missed most of his hockey games. Not sleeping, no consistent naps, and crying colicky babies really wore me down. And people asking you "Isn't it the BEST to be a mom?" I am grateful to be a mom...anyway sorry to ramble!

Wendy said...

I barely remember ben and Emma's first 6 months. It was brutal caring for two infants by myself especially since my husband works 14 hour days. Thank goodness for a supportive family and grandparents who would come hold a baby so I could rest. I realize now I probably had a raging case of PPD which, coupled with some pretty emotional (for me0 feeding issues, made life even more difficult.

My babies are 18 month old now and so much fun. It is still overwhelming and I am still so tired that I can barely function some days but I am enjoying every moment of our days together.

By the way, great picture!

Jessica said...

Definitely more fun but with a few hard moments sprinkled in!

Twinside Out said...

I feel like I'm just now starting to come out of the blur of the last year. I can totally relate to praying for rain/canceled sports - because I have done that a lot myself. :-)

This is one of the reasons I love reading about your girls; I feel like I get a sneak peek of what's ahead for us. And we are starting to get to a "more fun" part...which I love!!

And OH MY WORD. What an adorable picture. Your girls are so sweet!!

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

I saw this picture on is awesome! :)

And I can completely relate to those first few months (specifically, the first two, for me) being extremely challenging. There are still days here and there, but I tell myself I can do anything on a full night's sleep (and without those raging hormones!)! :)

And I've found those "twin moments" happen more and more as our girls have gotten older...enjoy it!!!